It is no secret that I am always on a budget. But, I am so blessed to have so much inspiration around me to help me develop my style into a reality and not a luxury.
Style doesn't just stop at your clothes. My home is a reflection of me as well. Wall art, hower, can add I did some research...and as much of the world is, I am absolutely infatuated with pinterest and find myself on it for hours! :-/ It is here I found what I was looking for...
One particular pin has been on my mind for several months and I finally bit the bullet and tried it out. It was originally on Lowes Creative Solutions, but I found it via pinterest via a another blog..(whew...that is like seven degrees of separation)..check it out here
It was much easier than I thought...and it turned out so much better than I thought also. I got all the materials at Lowes...and the entire project probably cost be about $50!
I am moving so I have not put mine up yet, but this is what the end result will look like..